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Yamaha M7CL

​​The M7CL series is a digital live-sound console that carries on the digital evolution from the acclaimed PM1DV2 and PM5D consoles. It includes an impressive array of advanced concepts such as the "Centralogic™" control interface that makes it as easy and intuitive to use as an analog console, and in-depth access management facilities that will be particularly appreciated in installations. The M7CL is familiar and comfortable to use, offering a level of convenience that overturns the preconception that "digital is difficult". A surprising range of functions that you would normally have to supply in the form of peripheral equipment is built in, and all of this is provided in a space that is dramatically less than an analog console of similar scope. The M7CL is the ideal digital mixing console for medium size live sound applications that have previously been handled by analog gear.

Yamaha M7CL

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