MODULED 150, strengthened evolution of the most celebrated MODULED 318, is a modular fixture with 3 independent matrix-clusters individually operated. MODULED 150 is designed in four versions. MODULED 150 RGB equipped with 54 LUXEON K2 High-power LEDs emitting countless numbers of rich and saturated colour-hues. MODULED 150 FULL COLOUR, also a RGB colour mixing luminaire, provided with the new multi-chip High-power LED source. MODULED 150 AWW, is an intelligent white luminaire, combining both cold white and amber LEDs sources which offers a colour temperature range from 2 800K to 6 500K. MODULED 150 AWB, intelligent white luminaire as well, comes with an extended range of colour temperature from 2 800K to 9 500K.
moduled 150
40,00 €Prix
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